Tuesday, February 28, 2012

No time lately!

I know, I know I haven't posted in a few weeks!  But hubby went on a tear! You see the little kitchen in the little house needed some TLC. The counter tops were horrid and the paint was faded and sad. One morning my quilt pal and I were on a sewing binge and he just started tearing the old counter covering out!
I think you can see here why he decided it needed to go!
and go it did! Here he is deciding what to do next! Since this day we have been painting with nice fresh white paint on those dingy walls and a fresh coat of  lemon yellow on the cupboards, it already looks way better.
Here you can see he is adding a new top to level the counter and make a smooth surface for the laminate to stick to. While all of this is going on the house is a disaster area! Much of it he does without my "help" (I tend to be a bit of a klutz) so I have been doing a small amount of sewing and a large amount of paperwork (still on the job search) each day was a challenge but we are getting close to being done. He has the new laminate stuck down. Now he is doing the wood trim and back-splash which will look amazing.  So stand by! Soon like a week or so I will have pictures to share of a completed project. I am SO lucky to have such a talented husband this project has been really inexpensive, without his talent it would not get done at all!

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

ORCA BAY finally done!

http://quiltville.blogspot.com/p/orca-bay-mystery.htmlFinally I had a chance to actually complete my version of Orca Bay, of course Tilly thinks it belongs to her. I had a difficult time sewing the binding down with her laying in the middle of the quilt!

but alas I just did not have the heart to move her, she seemed super tired.

So while she slept I went and cut all the leftovers from the backing into strips in true Bonnie fashion!
finally it is complete, we shall see if it is truly as comfy as Tilly claims tonite

Play Day

I finally took a day away to just have fun!  I went off to a quilt class in paper piecing!  A table runner was in the works and I needed a day of no job hunt and no paperwork! Monday nite snow was in the mix on the weather channel and I hoped it would not be 8 or 10 inches my little car is too low to the ground for very much accumulation of snow. Yesterday arrived and there was not really any snow.
So off I went. I was sooo happy I got to go. I have missed being with other quilters and I really needed the jolt of inspiration and boy did I get a jolt. What a wonderful bunch. 

Before class got started we got to see this wonderful bed runner, the white background blocks are teddy bears all hand cross stitched! It is an adorable bed runner and done by a BEGINNING QUILTER!

This is the shop owner and our instructor! She had a hard time getting us settled down and ready to stitch, all of us had a bit of cabin fever so the chatter was non-stop.

Finally we got busy. We were noisey but we were all working on our blocks, this is a really beautiful table runner we are building.

As the day goes by everyone scrambles to complete at least one block.

Some are concentrating and won't even look up for their picture!

There are directions to read?  Really?  
Stop goofin off and get your blocks done!
Break time!  Show and tell             INSPIRATION  isn't this a beauty?
All her own design to showcase a construction panel! Pictures do not do this one justice.
Uh Oh a group meeting, what's up?  Did I miss something?  What's goin on?
Oh and then from all the cutting and pressing block parts start to emerge

fabric choices begin showing their true colors
all the variety
the first quarter of one block YAY
Suddenly the pressing station is very busy and one has to wait in line, and while waiting you admire the other works in progress

The first whole block! This is the teachers pet by the way!
Up close   isn't it grand?  Love those purples!
And another block reaches completition!
Our wonderful begining quilter got a half block completed aren't her colors beautiful? She also has a terrific sense of humor and kept us all "in stitches"   sorry I couldn't resist that!

And our over-achiever!  She got three blocks done, she also made that wonderful construction quilt pictured earlier! Her blocks are 1800 reproduction prints.

When all was done we had a wonderful day full of laughter and silliness, then for a grand finale we got to eat birthday cake, and the quilter it was for had already gone home! So we ate her cake for her.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

days just slipping by

I cannot believe how fast the days just disappear! I spend lots of time on job apps. then there is the chores to do, otherwise this little house looks like a tornado has gone through. Usually by 11 or 12 I am free to do some sewing. Yesterday I finally started quilting my Orca. This is not exactally an easy thing when you  have no floor space to spread things out. But I have a very useful and portable quilting frame that I use to pin baste.

It took about 2 hours when all was said and done but I finally had it pin basted and started qulting it, I was in a bit of shock because miss Tilly ignored the whole process. This is unheard of I was getting a little worried but she was fine. Later I bundled the whole thing on top of my sewing table so I can stitch some more today, ahhhh now I see she was just waiting!

I think it passed inspection. Add in the fact that beautiful Kimber got the whole couch to herself and all were happy!

Now this is wonderful! It gave me time to play with my little scrappy baskets without tripping over any furry friends.
During the process I decided I need to stitch these into groups of four then put them up again! So last evening I got a few of the groups done. I think it will take me a few weeks to get them grouped!